1. iTunes commercials- It's not a secret that Apple has broken lots of new artists, primarily Feist, who did not just appear overnight.
2. Guitar Hero/Rock Band- The downfall of music, in my opinion, celebrates the music we already hear on Classic Rock stations everyday, whether we avoid them or not. Sometimes they throw in a "new" Nirvana song and constantly rip you off by making the music you already listen to "interactive," but not as interactive as dancing or as actually learning to play the song. Obviously, the game is geared towards non-musicians, but seriously, I hate this thing. The game is so cheap and easy to produce, aside from purchasing music rights, that Activision is laughing all the way to the bank because you're willing to buy a Metallica version of their game.
Another opinion: http://new.nz.music.yahoo.com/blogs/mojo/7313/guitar-hero-must-die/?page=22
3. Now! That's What I Call Music - This album sells more copies than even it's largest featured chart-topper these days, but seriously, this is just a compilation of music the dying record-industry still has control over, and hilariously, convinces people to buy the singles they already hear 20 times a day on terrestrial Top-40 radio.
4. The O.C./Chuck/Grey's Anatomy - The woman who chooses the music for these shows will break your band into the mainstream, and my Mother will ask me if I know who "Snow Patrol" is.
5. Hand-me-down music - Siblings get music handed down to them without personally exploring or discovering it on their own, getting an unfiltered, pre-determined collection of music no different than a "NOW" compilation (only probably more diverse). "You like the Beatles and I like the Stones, but those were just records that our parents owned" - Art Brut
6. The band is opening for Paramore - Seriously, this will break a lot of really generic bands.
7. "Indie" films - Films that appear to represent the counter-culture, but actually just get better distribution because Fox Searchlight knows how to take a movie, market it as "this year's Juno" and cram the Moldy Peaches or Sufjan down your throat until you feel like you're suddenly eclectic.
8. Morning Television shows - The "TRL" for housewives, "Good Morning America" has tricked mothers into listening to Lily Allen do a duet with Debbie Harry while reuniting the New Kids on the Block for an endearing, heartfelt, 8 am performance. Sometimes, Local Cleveland's Fox-8 Morning show will feature "hits" like Kanye's "Love Lockdown" over their traffic cam.
9. Lil Wayne guest appears on one of their tracks - Who the hell is Kevin, whatever his name is? Who? It doesn't matter, he got a famous rapper to spend an hour out of his day to rap over and then appear in his video. The point is, this broke whoever this guy is.
10. Making a crappy reality show about your band - Brett Michaels, Cartel (sorry guys, you jumped ship after your first EP), and the Pussycat Dolls. Go away.
There are many I'm surely missing. I posted a link to this blog and 3 people seemed to be up in arms about it, you cannot tell me that the above listed are not garnering record sales for bands that would normally never be heard. What's crazy about the whole thing is not necessarily how you can go from rags to riches (Death Cab for Cutie), but that your music will likely garner the attention of fans who will come to your shows only wanting to hear the new album or your 2 iTunes singles.